Tuesday, June 28, 2005


This week, we are inundated with new Second Life blogs. Welcome Araiya Bomazi, who has a scoop on an invasion of squirrels, avatar drag queen ZsaZsa Withnail, who flirtatiously banters with an astronaut, and Alan Kiesler, who reports on becoming an in-world venture capitalist; welcome as well Rick Nilsson, Jade Lily, and Leon Mechanique to the blogging bosom. Meanwhile, Adam Zaius recently launched SL Blogger, an impressive aggregated group blogging service that already boasts about two dozen bloggers.

Closer to home, I added Pathfinder Linden's indispensable SL del.icio.us page to the left. Pathfinder is also the guy who commended to me Cadroe Murphy's marvelous Grid Viewer project, which aims to create a navigatable 3D map of the world. He looks to be making great progress, as this short video demo attests.

The avid futurists at SL Future Salon announce an upcoming presentation featuring the guy who turned John Kerry's 'Nam experiences into an FPS level, and a former star of NBC's reality show "The Restaurant", who now runs a video news blog.

Zero Grace has a detailed and thoughtful "state of Second Life" analysis, on the second anniversary of the world's commercial existence. Hiro Pendragon excitably ponders the possibilities to come, when SL gets juiced with Mozilla power. Gwyneth Llewelyn also has valuable thoughts on this, along with an epic polemic on self-organization. Upcoming author Urizenus Sklaar (congrats, Uri!) has a characteristically curmudgeon take on the Second Life homepage's experiment in live simulcasting.

Perhaps the biggest news to hit the SL blogosphere in recent weeks was the sudden departure of Torley Torgeson, for reasons not revealed to the public. (My own profile of Ms. Torgeson is here; unsurprisingly, her lover Jade Lily has gone in search of her through the Metaverse.) Her exit brought on yelps and sighs, but I think it's Chage McCoy who best captured the treasure that is Torley:

In a world where popularity is a major compenent of your gauged success, most people's claim to fame is their content. Francis Chung is to Seburo as Cubey Terra is to aircraft. Torley Torgeson is to... uh wait... so what has Torley built? Nothing. And this is what makes Torley such an interesting person. Torley is not known for her scripting, clothing or building skills, she is known for being Torley... She epitomises how sucessful Secondlife can be as a social platform, without the consumerism, nor the technical creation.

Here's hoping for TT's equally sudden return, and soon...

Update, 6/29: Cadroe Murphy e-mails with a correction and a new video link: "I have to let you know that animation was not actually a demo of my 3D grid viewer application. It was rendered in 3D Studio Max. I just didn't realize people would make that connection, and I didn't mean to mislead anyone. In the name of full disclosure, I put together a real quick demo this morning of the actual viewer application, warts and all. It's really just one step out of the proof-of-concept stage - no shading for instance." (Doesn't look very warty to me, though!)

Posted at 02:17 PM | Permalink


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