Monday, August 16, 2004
It's funny. While interviewing for the story that subsequently became "So Very Kerry", I really didn't perceive a broader pattern at work, that would tie it to the actual Presidential eletion. (Besides, of course, the fact that it involved pro- and anti-Kerry advocacy; but then, that's technically just a battle of ideologically opposing textures.) While writing the story, however, and looking back at it now, I do see some pretty familiar archetypes-- try and match them to their real world analogues, if you can:
- The Positive Young Idealist, who sincerely believes in their candidate, and refuses to engage in negative campaigning against the opposition.
- The Apparently Non-Partisan, Enthusiastic Antagonist, who in the spirit of providing balance (or at least, so claimed), floods the world with attack material against the Positive Young Idealist's candidate.
- The Apolitical Entrepeneurial Opportunist, who's more than happy to help the Enthusiastic Antagonist in their attack efforts-- for a price. And just as glad to sell their services to the other side, for another price.
- The Cheerfully Engaged Voter, who appreciates this back-and-forth debate, and likes to follow its progress.
- The Disgruntled Disengaged Voter, who's angry with the tone of the debate, the bickering of the partisans, and above all, the "in your face" inescapability of the whole thing.
And to these, perhaps, add the Cheerfully Disgrunted Young Agnostic. Because after most of my main interviews for the story were over, I met at least four of them, sitting on a sign that announced "Politics Suck."
All of them describe themselves as under twenty, in real life, and appropriately enough in-world, two of them have made their avatars look a little like the big-eyed kids you'd see in Margaret Keane's paintings.
"Politics do suck," a willowy young woman named Dooblet Beckenbauer says. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god-- for real." (Actually, she says, "Politics does suxor omgomgomg 4 reelz.")
Dooblet is sitting on the sign created by Magic Firefly, along with the rest of their Dysfunctional family (they share a large house in Ebisu, and Dysfunctional as a group name.) The sign is located right beneath the Kerry and anti-Kerry sites, to make sure that in this debate, their vote (or in this case, non-vote) is cast.
"So how come all of you are sick of politics in Second Life and real life?" I ask the Dysfunctionals.
Magic Firefly says, "It's annoying?"
Dooblet Beckenbauer says, "And silly?"
Kimberly Casanova adds, "That's all you hear about."
I ask them where they live, offline, and three of them coastal Southern states-- two of which the candidates are battling fiercely over. And now I'm really flummoxed.
"He thinks we're young hooligans," Dooblet tells the others, "spoiled Americans!"
I say something about cynical kids today, and Mimi says, "Actually, it's the adults who make the country crappy, it's not our fault."
A few days after interviewing the Dysfunctionals, however, I learn that the anti-Kerry site has been taken down, while Ms. Zamboni's pro-Kerry site has been moved; it now floats at a high altitude above Ebisu, and you can only get to it through a teleporter in its original location-- presumably, to get the headquarters away from negative campaigning by the opposition.
Unsurprisingly, the ideological conflict has since relocated (for a time) to the Jessie warzone. Where two more possible archetypes emerged: The Passive Aggressive Provocateur, and the Aggressive Aggressive Retaliator.
“'The presidential [block]head,'" Cyanide Leviathan reads a caption out loud, seething. "'We'll pull him out of his hole with a chain around his ankles.'" The caption is positioned on a large cube placed near the center of Jessie, while displaying an unflattering photo of President Bush, mouth in mid-gape. The combat-enabled Jessie simulator is the domain of the WWIIOLers (fans of the strategy MMO called World War II Online), agroup known for its love of military hardware and (on the whole) conservative politics. (After the death of Ronald Reagan, for example, one WWIIOLer erected a large billboard, in tribute to the late president.) So this bit of Bush bashing isn't exactly a welcome addition to the neighborhood.
Especially because the person who owns the cube also owns the tiny patch of land beneath it-- and is using that to stream a left-leaning Internet radio station into their part of the world. So anyone flying through its airspace is inundated with a sudden burst of anti-conservative satire-- a standup comedy slagging Jessie Helms, for example, or the putative evils of the Bush administration, set to a happy musical jingle.
Given the location, all this is a little like running the trailer to Fahrenheit 9/11 during a commercial break on Fox News. So when I get there, I'm not shocked to see that the neighboring Jessie residents have already retaliated: the Bush cube has already been walled in from all sides by stacks of cubes attacking Michael Moore, anti-war protesters, and so on. (One pillar contains the friendly suggestion, "How about rooting for our side for a change, you liberal moron.")
"Every so often a left-wing twit comes around and get pwned," WWIIOLer Robo Hannibal shouts at me proudly, as I approach.
He turns around, and notices we're not alone. "Here's the whack job right here," Robo announces, then turns to the new arrival. "The mental asylum gave you a leave?"
"Gee," Kathy Yamamoto begins brightly, as she appears at her tiny site, "I'm getting a lot of attention here."
"So you own the one patch of left wing land in Jessie?" I ask her.
"Apparently," she says. Ms. Yamamoto managed to wrangle the purchase of this small plot from one of the few non-WWIIOLers with some property in Jessie. "Good thing I have the right to constant access."
"Second Life is huge," Hannibal growls at her. "Why come to a 95% conservative sim?"
"I was here when it wasn't," Kathy smiles back, sweetly. "You're the intruder." (And in chronological terms, she's technically correct-- a longtime resident, Ms. Yamamoto was a chief player in "The War of the Jessie Wall", the conflict which erupted shortly after Bush announced the end of major combat operations in Iraq, last year.) But then, her return to Jessie isn't necessarily out of homesickness. For one thing, she's the founder of a group called Leftists, Lunatics, and Liberals, one of the most popular affiliations in Second Life. And a few weeks ago, a WWIIOLer imported a picture of John Kerry into Jessie, and gave the image an extremely inflammatory caption. In the Forums, Yamamoto was the resident most infuriated by this. And now here she is, below her Bush cube with its own provocative caption, an Internet stream of anti-Republican radio blaring all around it-- as heavily armed Jessie residents begin to descend, and surround her on all sides. Insults begin to fly, most of them unprintable.
Many of the WWIIOLers are veterans or active-duty military, and I remember something that Kathy Yamamoto mentioned in the Second Life forums, which might be an unlikely bond between them.
"So Kathy," I begin, "is it true that you were in the Air Force?"
"Yes it was. But it was for a foreign country."
Robo Hannibal snorts. "France, maybe?"
"We called it The United States of America," Kathy declaims. "PRE-Bush. PRE-Reagan. What a waste HE was. And REAGAN was just a warmed up NIXON."
And with that, the rage keeps, well, raging.
While the insults are flung right and left ("anti-American" for "fascist", "traitor" for "bigot", and so on), Cyanide Leviathan turns to me. "Hamlet, aren't you supposed to report on SECOND LIFE issues? What I see here is a real life debate taking place in Second Life."
It's not an unfair question-- but then again, with an in-world war memorial, and a resident who's currently logging in from just outside Baghdad, for starters, I tend to think we've gone way past worrying about those distinctions.
Meanwhile, as Kathy sits on her anti-Bush cube, and the WWIIOLers beneath her keep roaring up at her, I ask her what she hopes to accomplish with this site.
"Exactly what I am accomplishing," she answers, serenely. "I just have to keep them doing my work for me."
I turn to the WWIIOLers. "So how come none of you have made a Bush headquarters?"
"Why would we?" group officer chaunsey Crash replies. He's a stern, bearded guy in a Viking helment.
"I thought many here are Bush fans."
"Sure," says Crash, "but what's the point-- Jessie is conservative, the rest of Second Life is hardcore liberal-- 99% of SL is liberal."
"I dunno, chaunsey, I'd say most people here are apolitical-- it's just that the loud ones tend to be liberal. And also conservative!"
Chaunsey laughs. "Have you tried posting as conservative on the forums here?"
"[B]ut just ten percent or so of the population posts [in the forums]," I say. "The folks who like arguing."
Which would likely include, I realize, as I glance around, the folks gathered here at the anti-Bush cube. Then it hits me. "I think everyone here is totally enjoying this [argument], frankly."
"I gotta agree, Hamlet," says Siobhan Cassidy, a young woman who's a friend of the WWIIOLers, but has been hanging back, watching the fur fly.
Robo Hannibal peers at me funny.
"Hamlet looks like a Commie," he decides. "Let's get 'im!!!"
That was last week. Since then, Kathy Yamamoto tells me, "I've deeded my patch in Jessie to my Leftists group and have taken my sign down. I gave it to them so there'd be a place to post an alternative point of view. Essentially what I bought it for, in the first place." So the debate has shifted ground again, but with more months until election, will inevitably makes its presence felt elsewhere-- in new ways, with new archetypes to remind us how the world outside keeps roiling.
Posted at 04:17 AM | Permalink
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Could someone please sum up for me what the actual point of Second Life is? You canbe as philosophical as you like. Its for an argument. I mean i can see the point of ones where theresa game involved but whats wrong with the real worldso much that you have to live online, virtually?
Posted by: Tom at Aug 16, 2004 5:23:22 AM
Awe, Hamlet... why do idealists have to be young?
Bhodi, who is damn near forty and still as idealistic as ever!
Posted by: Bhodi at Aug 16, 2004 8:53:22 AM
Tom, your question shows a bias so I doubt any answer would be satisfactory to you, but I'd like to point out that people do not live in Second Life to replace their real one. It's simply a place where people enjoy spending time with others from around the world engaging in games, contests, events, shopping, socializing, chatting, and in a dynamic 3d environment where participants are encouraged to show their creativity. If you applied the same logic in your question to other activities you might ask "what's wrong with the parking lot so much that you have to actually go into the mall?" In other words, it's a silly question.
Posted by: Chip Midnight at Aug 16, 2004 9:17:25 PM
No ive got no bias at all chip (or crisp as we'd say in the uk!) Having not actually seen Second life i couldnt really comment. I think i would accept that one good thing is that you can talk to other people from around the world which could be enriching, but it seems its a world for people with low confidence in themselves, i.e all their creativity cannot find an outlet in the real world so they bring it online. Nothing wrong with that though.
Ps Great blog page (what does blog mean anyone?) Hamlet Linden. I guess i must be a right nutter coz i read this all the time but ive never actually 'played' the game!
Posted by: Tom at Aug 17, 2004 1:08:53 AM
Thanks, Tom, glad you like it. Blog is short for "web log"-- or online journal, if you prefer.
From my own perspective, I'd say "people with low confidence in themselves [who] cannot find an outlet [for creativity] in the real world so they bring it online" isn't accurate description for most residents in Second Life. For one thing, a lot of them *are* creative in the real world-- Chip Midnight, for example, who just posted after you, is a professional artist. Also, many residents do things in the world that are very similar to what they do in the real world. For example, IceRink Zamboni describes herself as an activist for the John Kerry campaign in the real world, just as she is in here.
Posted by: Hamlet Linden at Aug 17, 2004 9:02:49 AM
You forgot my stereo-type: The rueful, aspiring dictator. Hey, Hamlet ... you should join me and one of my creepy friends. We're going to go see The Dresden Dolls at Cafe du Nord on the 30th. I think I'll recognize you if you show up. Do you still have the feathered hair?
Posted by: Grimmy Moonflower at Aug 18, 2004 12:42:48 AM
Oops. It's on the 20th. But the feathered hair thing still applies. http://www.cafedunord.com/calendar.php
Posted by: Grimmy Moonflower at Aug 18, 2004 12:51:51 AM
If people are doing the same things they do in second life in 'real life' then where is the point in that? Except that it is a sort of hyper version of the real world. If i was trying to explain what was good about online worlds i would say that it was a way to live the life oyu always wanted and also to allow talents that were unable to show themselves in the real world to burst out, not being shackled down by the constraints of the real world. I wonder how long it will be before some major cultural movement comes from the digital highway?
(that was a bit more positive wasnt it!?)
Posted by: Tom at Aug 18, 2004 1:38:13 AM
Uh. Hey, Tom. Can you sport a fifty foot long phallus in real-life while wielding a bazooka and blast a group of people playing Bingo? CAN YOU!?! Oh. And good timing on leaving town, feathered-hair! You're gonna miss the show, you nut!
Posted by: Grimmy Moonflower at Aug 18, 2004 2:04:05 AM
Yes Moonflower try going to mardi gras in london mate! But that was kind of my point in my last post i can see the point in second life slightly more when people are doing that rather than just creating an online real world. Although im not sure how a giant cock on your head really pushes back the boundaries but hey, each to their own. Plus i think they should let the governance of Second life evolve naturally instead of pushing in real world political systems on to it
Posted by: Tom at Aug 18, 2004 3:22:14 AM
Tom: "it seems its a world for people with low confidence in themselves, i.e all their creativity cannot find an outlet in the real world so they bring it online. Nothing wrong with that though."
That's called a bias. It's also rather insulting. Many of the artisans in SL also use their creativity to make their living in the real world, as do I. What SL gives me that I don't get in my real life creative pursuits is a chance to invite people inside my art and experience it with them. It's highly rewarding creatively in a way that isn't possible in the real world. Try to have a bit of imagination, will you? Believing that people engage in online activities because they are unable to be social or successful in real life is a stereotype propagated by luddites.
Posted by: Chip Midnight at Aug 19, 2004 2:23:34 PM
Yeah well luddite or not i can only comment on what i see and stereotypes are there for a reason are they not, i.e a common type that is pread across the stereo. Now how you took my comment implies that you may be a little self-conscious of being in an online world. I dont hold on to the view that anything involved with being online is geeky or null in some way which you probably think im getting at. The comment i made was intended to mean that the one reason i can see there being a point in second life (and therefore a longevity) is to allow people who wouldnt have the confidence or means to do something in real life, can do in second life. As well as people being able to experiment such as your good self. I might actually try and download it tomorrow and see for myself
Posted by: Tom at Aug 20, 2004 1:49:10 AM
I remember when the war over the wall had become white hot; but for some reason, I decided not to write about it then. Probably because at the time, I was myself still edgy over the war and its aftermath, and the arguments I was having over both, with friends and acquaintances offline. To be honest, still edgy: when I conducted one in-game interview with a Lifer for this article, to get their view on the Jessie incident, it was all I could do not to toss off my journalist hat, and argue the politics of it with them. (I partly refrained from doing so, oddly enough, because I was sitting in this person's Second Life house, and it felt, well, rude, to start an argument in their virtual home.)
Posted by: online casino at May 15, 2007 8:48:32 AM
I wonder how long it will be before some major cultural movement comes from the digital highway?
Posted by: Janine at May 20, 2007 7:23:59 AM
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