Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Brad is student at a Midwestern University.
I'm a theatre major in college… actually about a month from graduation right now. I'm going to use Second Life as a project for a class coming up soon. It's a Computers in Theatre class, and I'm going to use SL to come up with some Lighting and Scenic pictures of a design, and see if it's possible to use Second Life as a secondary 3D modeling tool, for another way to show directors and producers the ideas of the designer. I think it gives them more of an idea as to how [a] set will work. 3D tools like Maya and such are good, but the ability to walk around the set would be a great thing, to give them an idea of how the set will work. I'm planning on doing a design with some funky angles for my presentation, a set that isn't traditional, with walkways above the ground. So I think it would really help them see what my design ideas are in a 3D world, rather than on paper. Plus, the ability to easily texture things right then and there allows me to change colors and looks really easily.
As of right now, light [in-world] doesn't act the way it does in real life, so it's hard to set up lighting and have it convert to real life... I have a small light board here that I created, was working on it for quite a while. It gives a basic light, based [on] general color principle, red-green-blue mixes. Unfortunately, you have to have local lighting On [in your graphics display options] to experience it, which most residents don't use very often.
One thing I've always wanted to do was own my own theatre. SL has given me that now, and I hope to use it to its full advantage. I'm looking into doing a plays here in Second Life... written by the residents of SL, completely resident-run productions. We're planning on having a grand opening for the theatre at some point, along with the park that we put up outside of the theatre. We're going to try and get Jopsy [Pendragon]'s fireworks show, and perhaps have a small production, nothing big, but a small thing, to show the capabilities of the theatre.
The set [pictured here] was a design I did for a real life theatre. I made the set here to show the director what my idea for the set was. [Rumors, by Neil Simon -- ed] It was being done in a small theatre, so it's a smaller set, the top floor is only about six feet off the ground. We built the set in real life, and it looked much like this one. Of course, avatars are a bit wider than people are, so the scales seem a bit small.
Posted at 05:51 AM | Permalink
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