Thursday, March 04, 2004


Set to paper at this very moment, on the Southern-most tip of Baker, the Southern-most region in-world:

"Two hundred and one score and five days to the day that I made the first trek, accompanied by a brave three. And now, we embark with our party full to the brim, of stalwarts! Accompanied as well by a flying craft, and certainly more to come.

"But danger! We face great dangers ahead.

"But I am confident that you my party are brave and well-suited for those treacheries to come.

"We are well-armed!

"We are well-prepared!

"And we are well-past-sanity!

"Sir Lupis, my cartographer? In what direction shall we first set out on?"

And Brad Lupis says, "To the NORTH!"

And so we shall. At this very moment.

Posted at 12:19 PM | Permalink


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We are now in Myrtle - having just witnessed the Sky Bridge of Walkers!

1:15 pm Pacific

Posted by: Merwan Marker at Mar 4, 2004 1:16:00 PM

This journal from the brilliant Zana Feaver, thus far:

Noyo -- 2:13 pm

we land and decide to wait until the party is actually heading toward us before we move on. We don't want to miss out on too much of the fun of the walking itself, even if we are flying.

So we watch the map and make conjectures about how and when the rest of the party will arrive. They will see what we see, a canyon full of modern glass and steel buildings, and lots of palm trees, a few boats.

Friends come and go from the ballon, we are joined by Lale Pico and Charlton Pendragon. We lose The Catherine Omega who appeared to get bored. And left us to our wait.

Because it has become mostly a wait. Finally at 2:17 we are off again, heading toward the north.

On our way out of Noyo we pass the time plunge, a black building with green neon piping and fly over a canyon that gives wasy to the seashore.

at 2:21 we lose Loki and Lale Pico (no relation) and are joined by Jack Didgeridoo

We are at the center of Rodeo, awaiting th emovement of the main party, which appears to be spread out over several sims, but I can't be sure. My mini map is suddenly no longer working.

Suddenly the ballon is mostly empty, with just five of us riding along. The main party appears to be gathering in Noyo at the very spot we just left.

There is something a little sad about not standing there with them. We're all pretty quiet for a long moment, staring down at the pine forest below us.


We head on this time toward the north. Sassy Apple wonders a loud how many people are in the group.

We pass a large tree house and a large deck with grass awnings. I realize suddenly that we are in the old world now -- in the center of Immaculate. The first sim I ever in habited, six months ago.

"Well, the newer old world," someone corrects me. For me it's still the old world -- it was here when I arrived. And in the lightening fast world of SL, that's pretty "old."


the conversation turns to the traps that are supposedly set for Hamlet later on, in Jessie and Rausch. And possibly Abbots. The party seems to be split into threes by my calculations. Some here, in the balloon, some in Rodeo and some in Noyo, two sims away from us.

But no! once we start to move it seems they are actually closer than they appeared to be so at 2:35 we move on. Cua curie joins us in the balloon.

a discussion erupts about whether or not we are following the correct route.

But Cubey seems to be a fine capitain and so we just ride.

2:37 pm

We arrive in the center of stinson. Not far from us is a fantastic tower of light and stone. Below us, water falls and a forest of huge pines.

Cubey reminds us that in two sims Relee Baysklef has set a trap for Hamlet.

Posted by: Hamlet Linden at Mar 4, 2004 2:47:11 PM

And again!

2:42 pm

We wonder if they are losing people in the walk, as there seems to be fewer. But Brad, our intrepid cartographer, isd not answering IMs.

We have lost all contact with the main party. But we can see them on the map and realize they are heading our way. So we start off to the north, to Cowell.

Our capitain says he wants to walk with the group and is a bit sad not to be. "I may 'accidently' let them catch up," he says.

Sassay Apple thinks this is a great idea. Cua Curie reminds us that there is something other than this journey going on SL. We've been in the sky so long, and on the ground too, that we've sort of forgetten everything, including the Tech roundtable with Corey Linden starting in a few minutes.

I point out that I'm starting to get a little loopy, it's 2:51 pm and we have been at this almost three hours. Cybin Monde, who is floating just outside the balloon says, "isn't this the real world?"

Cubey, our capitain, grumbles, "I hope they stop taking such ludicrously long breaks tho. . ."

2:54 pm

We are still in Cowell and we get a fright that Hamlet has gone offline but it's just a scare. He's only left the IM session going on between Cubey and Brad. We head off toward the North West.

There is a little dissention in the ranks of the advance party. Our capitain has lost faith and thinks outloud, "I'm not sure that our scouting head accomplishes anything . . .but it's a nice flight."

2:56 pm

We head into Abbots, where the first trap is supposedly set for Hamlet. As we enter the sim, the balloon gets stuck under Abbots Aerodome momentarily. It's an enormous building made of white steel and glass. It looks like some kind of gigantic space dock and our balloon looks a little dated perched next to it.

And suddenly we lose our capitain to relog and Jeremiah, who goes back to join the party, not wanting to miss any traps that may have been laid. I point out we've dwindled to four, and Sassy says, "Yeah, no one loves us."

3:01 pm

Cubey suggests we look for the trap but he doesn't see anything. Is it just a rumor? Or will Hamlet face some kind of horrible death in a few minutes?

We all go silent, waiting. Suddenly at 3:02, Hamlet goes offline and the party is going in a completely different direction.

Brad is still not answering IM's and we begin to feel like three lost souls, without a leader, without a group, floating over the line with Cordova, the Sandbox sim.

As we float down into the valley, we see a myraid of objects scattered over the landscape -- a half finished steel cube the base of a black pyramid, several vehicles, random water textured prims and what look to be parts of a fireplace.

Jeremiah rejoins us. And as we sit among the rubble, we realize the main party has dwindled to 17 people. We decide that we will give up our advance quest and rejoin the group. "There's no way that having 4 people ahead will make a difference," Cubey says.

And so we have ended this part of the advance party and wait for the group to join us in Cordova. Where anything goes, mostly.

Posted by: Hamlet Linden at Mar 4, 2004 3:09:29 PM

We have arrived HOME - the end of the complete walk!!

We surrived EVERYTHING that was thrown at us by ALL!!

I began at the the START at 12:00 Noon, and finished 9 + hours later!!

Every Sim i have walked!

Thank you Hamlet for this truly historical event!

Posted by: Merwan Marker at Mar 4, 2004 11:09:51 PM

Good Lord, what an adventure of epic proportions. I've never experienced anything like that before. I was with Merwan from the beginning to the end as well, and I am still mentally and physically exhausted from the ordeal.

Nay, not an ordeal. A Quest. And we succeeded!

Now, where can we SHARE ALL THE PICTURES?

Posted by: Zero Medici at Mar 5, 2004 10:16:42 AM

I have just set up a pictureboard on Venice Beach, right in front of the entrance to the Church.

If you have inworld pictures you'd like to share, please come by and drop them to the board. I've set it so that it is running in slideshow mode, displaying each picture for 10 seconds then cycling to the next. Anyone can add pics...just click and drag your picture from your inventory, then, while you are holding the mouseclick key, HOLD DOWN the control key....drag the pic to the board, and then keep holding the mouseclick key while you RELEASE the control key. That will add your pic to the board and you should see it right away.

I will leave it up indefinitely so that everyone can add as many pictures as they want. I want to make a permanent display of it so that all of SL can share in our grand adventure.

Venice Beach 2.0 - A community for creative spirits, large art installations and natural beauty. - Kelham (181,86).

Posted by: Zero Medici at Mar 5, 2004 12:35:03 PM


The way to drop pics is to keep holding the CONTROL key while you RELEASE the mouseclick key.


Posted by: Zero Medici at Mar 5, 2004 12:36:36 PM

I have finished the t-shirt for the expedition. Send me an IM or reply here if you want me to send it to you. Thanks to everyone for a fun day that I probably wouldn't have been doing much on.

Posted by: Brad Lupis at Mar 5, 2004 9:48:29 PM

I was standing on my dock when I received an IM from a great friend, "World Walkers coming your way"...or something to that effect...I look up from what I was doing and see it, a defalut platform, repeating over and over itself, a moving bridge emerges from the side of our mountain..on it a collection of av's from all walks of life.. a truly unique sight to behold.. I read on the bottom of my screen... "Hello Rosa" and find myself RL smiling.. how exciting to be viewing a part of SL history... I further read upon the bottom of my screen "click the bridge and ride".... so being one to follow directions...well usually... I completed this prompt... I find myself sitting on the default textured moving bridge next to a monk toting a sign reading "The end is near"... *end is near... what kind of a ride is this? LOL *.. anyway upon reaching a large land mass, i disembarked from the bridge.. the collection of av souls were gathering upon the peak of this land mass calculating the next direction in which they would travel... it was at this time I took a snapshot.. and being I have an odd sense of humor..I titled this picture "Linden Family Reunion". :) the world walkers moved on.. and I flew *mostly due to lag* back to my plot in myrtle.. but still i was smiling.. being a witness to such an event.. it stayed in my mind so much so that I tried to catch up to the group later on at the Volcano. I landed just in time to see Mr. Hamlet Linden. Wow! "THE" Hamlet Linden.. wanting to take photographic evidence of this moment I positioned myself to click the group as they progressed toward, and around me in their pursuit of the end of the region. However as I am still newbie on my camera skills by the time i was ready to click the pic the only view left was that of Mr. Linden who had gone "away" suddenly. The erupting volcano in the background was spewiing forth lava balls, and to my minds view looked like they would travel in this direction.. seeing Mr. Hamlet standing there sleeping "away" and the impending doom of the lava.. I found a picture worth taking.. :)
the world walkers went on and completed their task and me.. I wandered my way back home to myrtle.. happy in that I had twice witnessed the great event. Thank you for reading this rambling account. From one players view.

Posted by: Rosa Gardner at Mar 8, 2004 4:47:03 AM

Vivid, eloquent observations, Rosa, thanks for
offering them!

Posted by: Hamlet Linden at Mar 8, 2004 12:56:05 PM

I was taking a friend around the waterways of the southern SIMs on my motorboat, when I noticed a mass of green dots on the map in Hooper. As we were heading that way, I moored by the shoreline, to see a gathering of 'land walkers' heading towards us with various shouts of 'Ahoy!' and 'A boat!'. After initial concerns that we might be sunk by the number of people seemingly bearing down on us, I soon realised that we had stumbled into the great Walk Across the World.

Keen to be part of this wonderful venture, my friend and I followed the walk, as far as we were able, via the waterways. Occasionally mooring, and frequently finding additonal passengers as we traversed the waterways (offering land walkers the chance to rest their weary feet!), it was a glorious and fun way to spend some SL time.

Later, after docking at my Noyo Moorings, I joined the 'Walk' balloon and continued a little more via an alternative mode of transport.

It was exciting to have become a part of the Walk, and to meet so many wonderful people :) I look forward to the next walk and, next time, I shall make a point of being there by design rather than by accident :)

Posted by: Charlton Pendragon at Mar 9, 2004 1:51:28 AM

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