Monday, March 08, 2004
A wedding and reception on a secluded island; vows given and exchanged, via furiously typing fingers; cake, wine, and gifts partaken of, amid swaying palms; exotic and alluring guests; a backflipping bride; a whirling temptress dance; and everywhere you turn, the passionate strains of musica flamenca-- all this and more, found in a montage tribute to the recent wedding of Johnny Bunderfeld and Malana Spencer, on the private isle of Elysian, found here (for Windows users, right-click the "Johnny & Malana's Wedding Video" link, then "Save Target As", and select your hard drive.)
It's the work of a resident who wishes to remain an anonymous auteur, and so he shall. I did however manage to coax from him the technical methods to his madness: "I record to xvid because it's [the] lowest CPU and filesize combo, I think, from the Second Life [video capture] recording option. Then I use tmpeg enc to expand to full-frame AVI, so I can import into Adobe. Adobe doesn’t like xvid. Adobe seems to crash the least with full frame AVIs. Then I export to-full frame AVI in Adobe when it’s done, and convert to mpeg-1 3000k/sec constant bit rate.” Hopefully this explanation makes sense to the machinima-inclined, because it makes me think of Bill Duke's line from The Limey, after an equally obscure speech.
Posted at 06:32 AM | Permalink
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To the anonymous auteur... I'm doing some research on SL weddings and would very much like to speak with you either in-world, email, IM or the phone... whatever you like. :) My username is PerpetualJ Valkyrie. Drop me a line sometime!
Posted by: Jason at Mar 9, 2004 7:21:17 PM
Use 100% quality xvid to record. He forgot to mention that. The default xvid record rate doesn't look too good, and gets even worse when you get it to mpeg1.
Posted by: Jack Digeridoo at Mar 10, 2004 9:47:20 AM